SMac: Secure Genotype Imputation in Intel SGX

Installation Requirements

  • Ubuntu 16.04/18.04
  • Rust Nightly (tested with version 1.51)
    • To install the nightly channel, run
        rustup toolchain install nightly
  • Fortanix EDP (for running in SGX mode)
    • For Install AESM service, we recommend installing the Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 option. In addition, try installing
        sudo apt install libsgx-ae*

      Make sure AESM service is up and running by

        sudo service aesmd status
  • Clang 3.8.0 (for remote attestation)
    • To automatically set up clang 3.8.0 locally, run ./

Z-tests for timing leakage

To test whether arithmetic primitives leak timing discrepancies, run from within smac/,

cargo +nightly run --bin timing_leak --release

SMac-lite relies on nested-if-else, f32, and f64, while SMac relies on fixed-select and fixed-time-ln for computation involving sensitive data. It is normal for nested-if-else, f32, and f64 to exhibit some leakage, while fixed-select and fixed-time-ln should NOT leak.

Configuration & Build

Edit the following parameters in to configure SMac:

  • LITE: SMac or SMac-lite
    • 0: SMac, with timing protection
    • 1: SMac-lite, without timing protection
  • SGX: SGX or simulation mode
    • 0: simulation mode; no SGX hardware required
    • 1: SGX mode; Fortanix EDP must be installed and configured properly
  • RA: remote attestation
    • 0: disable remote attestation
    • 1: enable remote attestation; this has not effect if SGX=0.
  • N_THREADS: Number of threads for batch processing; 1 thread per 1 input.
  • ENCLAVE_HEAP_SIZE: enclave heap size; if the enclave fails while starting, try increasing this number.

Rebuild for every change in configuration.

Next, build by running


Remote attestation configuration

If remote attestation is enabled, follow the steps below to ensure access to Intel Attestation Service.

  1. Sign up for a Development Access account at Make sure that the Name Base Mode is Linkable Quote. Take note of “SPID”, “Primary key”, and “Secondary key”.
  2. Modify the following fields in client/settings.json using the information from the previous step:
    • “spid”: “<SPID>”
    • “primary_subscription_key”: “<Primary Key>”
    • “secondary_subscription_key”: “<Secondary key>”

Quick Test

To locally test whether the code can run successfully according to the configuration, run


The script will test the code with all the sample data files located at smac/test_data/. The outputs of SMac will be saved in results/.


     +-----------------------------+           |              +--------+         |
     |                             |           |              |        |         |
     |  Intel Attestation Service  |           |              |  Host  |         |
     |                             |           |              |        |         |
     +--------------^--------------+           |              +----|---+         |
                    |                          |                   |             |
                    |                          |   reference panel |             |
 verify attestation |                          |                   |             |
                    |              network     |   +---------------|---------+   |
          +---------|--------+                 |   |               |         |   |
          |         |        |                 |   |  +------------v------+  |   |
          |   +-----v----+   |      input      |   |  |                   |  |   |
          |   |          ----------------------------->  Service Provider |  |   |
          |   |  Client  |   |                 |   |  |                   |  |   |
          |   |          <-----------------------------   [running SMac]  |  |   |
          |   +----------+   |      output     |   |  |                   |  |   |
          |                  |                 |   |  +-------------------+  |   |
          +--Client Machine--+                 |   |                         |   |
                                               |   +-------SGX Enclave-------+   |
                                               |                                 |
                                               +-----------Host Machine----------+


Input data format

SMac client takes two files as user input: bitmask file and symbol file. These two files together encode a haplotype sequence that the user wishes to impute. Bitmast file includes a binary vector (0 or 1 in each line) indicating whether the corresponding genetic variant in the reference panel (M3VCF file) is included in the user’s data. Note that the length of this vector should match the number of genetic variants in the reference panel. Symbol file includes a vector of -1 (missing), 0 (reference allele), or 1 (alternative allele), one for each line. These correspond to the user’s data values at the nonzero indices in the index file. Example input files (input_ind.txt and input_dat.txt) as well as sample scripts for generating random input can be found in scripts/.

Running Client

To start Client on Client Machine, run

./ <service provider ip addr> <bitmask file> <symbols batch dir> <results dir>

where <bitmask file> are formatted according to input data format. <symbols batch dir> is a directory containing all symbol files for batch processing, and <results dir> is a directly to save results. For example,

./ smac/test_data/large_input_bitmask.txt smac/test_data/batch results

Service Provider

SMac service provider takes the reference panel in the M3VCF format as input. To start Service Provider and Host on Host Machine,

./ <reference panel m3vcf.gz>

where <reference panel m3vcf.gz> is a reference panel gzipped M3VCF file. For example,

./ smac/test_data/largeref.m3vcf.gz

Output format

The output of SMac is a text file including the imputed alternative allele dosages at every genetic position covered by the reference panel M3VCF file (one number per line).

Contact for questions

Ko Dokmai,

Hoon Cho,